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TGS Tech & Apex Engine

Introducing TGS's groundbreaking Apex Engine.


Apex Engine is a revolutionary all-in-one (AIO) real-time collaborative 3D engine, offering accelerated setup, development, and deployment. With the unique ability for developers to work in real time from any location globally, it ensures faster time-to-market and substantial cost savings for companies, making it a game-changer in the industry.

See our 2 minute video by clicking APEX Videos button above.

TGS Tech, a female-founded and led company

Established by industry veterans to revolutionize collaboration for the development of 3D interactive applications. Leveraging extensive software industry experience, we are creating the innovative Platform as a Service, AE Engine.

Mission Statement: Solving the industry’s largest problems with cutting-edge innovation.

Target Audience:  AE Engine’s versatility, we target the B2B and B2C sectors in the interactive 3D markets.

The Advantage of Our Technology

We created and included necessary functionality with tools a developer needs into a single application: Apex Engine (AE). AE Platform offers multiple benefits not available from any of our competitors:

  • Network engine  
  • Render engine  
  • Physics engine  
  • Server Architecture  
  • Account management  
  • Auto Versioning 
  • Plug-in system  
  • Optimization tools  
  • Analysis tools  
  • QA tools  
  • Default player client  
  • and more

Our past technology that we developed has been used by industry leaders including EA Games, University’s, Boeing, ZeniMax and U.S. D.O.D.. Apex Engine is a a new ground-up development, leveraging insights from HeroEngine and other platforms, offering a unique and advanced solution.

Two Industry Problems Solved

Problem 1: Costly Setup: The setup process before project development begins takes months and up-to ~60% of budget.

Our Solution:  AE setup is ready in <1 week for all developers, significantly reducing start-up costs and time.

Problem 2: The Workflow: The standard development process is complex, confusing, time-consuming and costly.

Our Solution:   AE is a collaborative platform with world-wide accessibility, allowing products to go-to-market sooner.

The Market and Competition

Epic Games and Unity dominate the 3D application market with estimated net worth of $32B and $14.3B respectively.

  • Notable companies attempt the same collaborative features:
  • Gamebryo: Raised ~$150M Unsuccessful. Filed bankruptcy, sold to Korean company, Gamebase, during liquidation.
  • Maxplay: Raised ~$72M, Unsuccessful and filed CH7 after 3 years.
  • Improbable: Raised ~$790M Unsuccessful. Changed business/software model 3 times since original announcement.
  • Unreal and Unity: Raised and spent billions without providing results.

Financial Needs and Outlook

Start-up Financing Requirements: $7M finances 16-18 months of growth and development of AE Engine, allowing us to release our Minimal Viable Product (“MVP”)  Following the industry standard, growth is expected to increase while moving into other market sectors. Growth of 10-15% will continue as we expand on AE Engine’s core functionality, including 3D market and client hosting; profit margins will increase during this expansion phase in Year 3.



Company Organization 

  Management  Title  Ownership       
  Sarrene' A Miller  Founder, CEO  80%  Lead Design Engineer, Business Management  
  Christopher Larsen  CTO  20%  Engineer, Principal Systems Engineer  
  James Kerich  CFO  n/a  Account and Finance Manager, CPA  
  Ronald Farrell  CDO  n/a  Engineer, Sr. Database and Application Manager  
  Amanda Romig  CEM  n/a  Executive Manager  



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